Resilience, Resolve, Fear/Courage & Love: April 2020

2020 is not only keeping us on our toes, it is keeping us in our homes and practicing social distancing. 

Since my last post, a virus has changed the way we live and interact with one another all over the world. In order to slow the progression of the coronavirus/COVID-19, we have been quarantined in our homes for three weeks now. Those who are able to work from home are doing so, while only essential workers are out day-to-day. Given these new orders, there is a great deal of uncertainty, a lot of fear, and no toilet paper on the shelves.

"Overwhelming" doesn't capture the half of what people are feeling.

Yet, we are adapting. We are finding creative ways to take care of those family members who are more susceptible to the negative effects from the virus. We are using technology to stay connected as best we can, and we are homeschooling our children now as schools will be closed for the remainder of the academic year.

We are all working our Resilience Muscles, big time. Not only are we resilient, we are resolute. We are also afraid of a virus we cannot see, while being strengthened by love we can feel, hear, and remember.

It is our resilience, resolve, fear/courage and love that are inspiring us for April, National Poetry Month. 

Sending you and those in your circles prayers for safety and health.


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